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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "Delta" or "elapsed" time column in Oracle
- "Put it in my nostril Chuck"
- "The animated GIF that mikey made depicting me being anally fucked by Chuck"
- "The animated GIF that was totally off-topic
- -- scheduled timer process if power is off?
- .dbf files on external USB disk - doable?
- 10g and cacheManager
- 10g Grid - I need HW recommendations
- 10g Grid and Cluster
- 10g install on XP fails (dbca)
- 10g installation fails on red hat release 9
- 10g/AIX: Database Buffers problem
- 10g: How to inspect active sessions, transaction, locks, etc.
- 1st Time Poet
- 2004 Florida Poetry Tour Update
- 8i and RedHat8
- 9.2 RAC on w2k VM problem
- 9i New Features E-book
- 9i on Windows 2000 Server Workgroup
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] SPAM-XML releases under GPL
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] VTD-XML releases under GPL
- [FAQ] Oracle Database FAQ
- [Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition] Which package do I need to install to get the analytic functions?
- [Pbl] SQL with Esker Tun & SQL Net
- [RMAN] backups are in another place
- A performance reason to split up index data files.
- A replication question/mlml
- A: inc. size of temp tablespace
- Access to Oracle database 8.1.7 via ODBC
- Access to XML data with OO4O using Oracle 9i Release 2
- Add database to tree
- Add shema / user
- After Creating New Dtabase...
- After Creating New Dtabase...(To Mr. Howard J. Rogers)
- AMD/64, SGA size
- Analytics function query on
- Any APIs for Backup and Recovery ?
- Anybody who know oracle tns packet structure?
- Anyone heard of this book or author?
- Apache packaged with 10g
- applying patchset 3501955 - patch set 4 version
- archive log question
- Archiving Large Tables
- Arjen Jongeling, een oude bekende
- AS 10g - remove home and services
- ASCII / EBCDIC issue
- Audting using log miner
- Automating Starting of Oracle when server is rebooted
- avoiding tablespace fragmentation
- Backup Recovery - Cold Backup in Archive log mode
- Beginner: Silent install. on HACMP cluster
- Benefits of RMAN
- Building a Dynamic Where clause in an Oracle Function
- Calling inherited methods
- calling sqlldr from java using 9ias doesn't work
- Can I get Oracle 8.0.3 Client Install anywhere?
- can not tnsping from window client to linux oracle server
- Can't start lsnrctl
- Cannot "startup nomount" an idle instance (8i)
- CCIE's are a joke
- choices regarding where to place code - in the database or middle tier
- Chuck and Tom's gay porno flash movie is hot
- Chuck Lysaght was beaten up by a small black woman
- Chuck Lysaght's theme song
- Chuck, the minister and mayor are LAUGHING at you
- chuckles has reported insurgent.org to Angelfire! Ph33r him! (was: Great pictures of Tom Bishop and Chuck Lysaght)
- chuckles on history
- clustering and high availability?
- Command Line Mastery
- comp.ivideodisc,comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc,comp.lang.misc,comp.databases.oracle.server,comp.ai.genetic
- Connecting with 10g to 8.1.7
- Connection from Workstation to DB in Server. How to?
- Contents of v$SQLArea.....
- Converting 8i parallel server to single instance
- copy/paste buffer size in SQL*Plus
- copying tables(s) from on database instance to another
- Cost differences - Help!!
- cp command to backup database
- CPU Resource Quota
- Creating an RMan\Legato Test Environment
- Creating query based on results of a query...
- CU lock type
- Cursor problem
- Data Pump(expdp) returned ORA-00600
- Data replication on two databases
- Database & Designer 10g
- Database Maintenance Routines
- database market share 2003
- date format slips to default
- DB Connectivity
- DB Connectivity with Application
- dbca on RH9/9ir2 giving errors
- DDL inside trigger.
- Debugging Java Stored Procedures
- difference between hash semi join and merge semi join
- Discrepancy between Free Temp Tablespace in Sql Query vs. Enterprise Manager
- Do you remember Tom Bishop at Oracle?
- Don Burleson: The "Silver Bullet" debate
- Don Burleson: The Correct Default Buffer Cache Size Debate: An Easy One
- Don Burleson: The Index Rebuild Debate
- Eliminating Combinatorial Relationship Multiplication
- Encrypt data transferred via database link
- Error in calling procedure
- Errors ORA-12801 and ORA-29913 while reading data from external table
- Everyone is LAUGHING at you Chuck Lysaght
- everything...
- Execute a Procedure (Name only known at runtime) from another Procedure
- Exiting PL/SQL
- Export 8i (8859p1) to 9i (AL32UTF8)
- Export of logical data model
- Export Problems
- Export/temp space
- Exporting Data from Oracle 9i /Win into Oracle 9i/AIX
- extend stats info
- Fast bitwise search
- fast_start_mttr_target value is ignored
- Fastest way to move files across unix servers
- FGAC: access sql statement being extended
- formatting the results
- Function returning BLOB
- Getting data out from LOBs
- Getting well-formed XML using SQL
- Global Temporary Taable
- Great flash files of Sydney Moon
- Great pictures of Tom Bishop and Chuck Lysaght
- group function not allowed in where clause?
- Has anyone noticed that Tom violently overreacts when confronted by women?
- Have DBCA create SQL script?
- Having Deadlock Problem
- He has Got to be making this up.
- Help ! Very challenging SQL - Oracle/Teradata
- Help with 2 queries / Join problem
- Help with a strange behaviour of Oracle on RedHat linux
- help with work project - completely random sample but all numbers picked within 12 tries
- HELP!! - ORA-01555: snapshot too old: Rollback Segment number 2 ....."_SYSSMSU5$ too small"
- help, auto startup (open) of Oracle 8 db
- Help, please. Trouble with validate trigger...
- Help: How to make "connect sys as sysdba" asking for password
- HELP: How to move nested table across database link
- Het zal toch niet zijn wie ik denk dat het is?
- hi
- How about an Oracle debate?
- how do u compare timestamps on different rows that are related to same event
- How is this possible?
- How Oracle deal with Rowid when we using transport tablespace?
- How to access Oracle from C++?
- How to audit users in oracle isqlplus?
- How to begin with Oracle?
- How to control outbound traffic?
- How to determine default tablespace and accessible tablespaces
- How to determine details of a LOCK as a non-SYSDBA user
- How to genereate the script ?
- How to i check how often my redo logs switch??
- How to make "connect sys as sysdba" asking for password
- How to make Oracle10g on Windows *not* start on every boot?
- How to move a partitioned table from one tablespace to another ?
- How to redirect output to a file
- How to TC lock?
- Howard Rogers: Question about Cloning Procedure
- I got pics of Bart getting Marge Simpson PREGNANT
- i made mikey's daughter cry...
- I'm watching the animation right now Tom
- I/O calls from Oracle to OS
- ignore keywords in the CONTAINS??
- import 8i database exp file into 9i
- Import Problem
- inc. size of temp tablespace
- Increase the cpu resources
- Index Coalesce vs Index Rebuild
- Index MAXEXTENTS change
- INDEX possible for reverse wildcards?
- Info on large tables wanted
- Insert Multiple Lines into long or varchar2 field
- Insert performance Tuning
- insert statement in a function or select statement
- Inserting large XML DataWE
- Installing Oracle OCI drivers on Linux
- Internal Disk/SAN DIsk for Oracle Binaries
- Interviewer wants OCP despite ...
- Is everyone at Oracle still laughing at Tom Bishop?
- Is ROLLUP functionality part of baseline?
- isqlplus is not reachable
- Java boundary seems to violate Oracle's constraints.
- Java permissions
- Java singleton inside the database
- JDBC: what exactly does nullsAreSortedHigh() return?
- jdk version - oracle 9i R2 windows
- Large Tables, continued
- latch free and hot blocks
- LDAP and standard edition ?
- Listener Problem
- Logs full
- Maximum number of connections
- Migration from Novell 5.1 to Red Hat Linux 8 (Oracle 9i)
- Mike Henley
- mikey confesses to producing the animation
- Missing Index entries
- Move database from Sun Solarias 5.8 to HPUX 11.11 pa-64
- MultiMaster Replication Using Dialup - Newbie Question
- Multiple LISTENERs conflict on same machine
- Multithread app performs concurrent command and transaction execution
- Muslim women are getting the shi t raped out of them
- My girlfriend in a wet white bra 9795
- My Mother Died
- My offer of $200 stands.
- n8Nmn
- Need help with improving performance of a query.
- Need orainstRoot.sh
- Need subquery
- Nested Coalescing possible in SQL?
- NESTED_TABLE_ID unavailable in PL/SQL?
- new paper on direct access in C to the SGA
- Newbie: trying to import and replace Data from Dump
- Not analyzing tables with nearly fixed size?
- O-O- that backfired
- o9i (9.2) Full export nor exporting some users/schemas
- Obtain only alphabets from table
- OCCI9 what is the ConnectString- format?
- OCI with 7000 row
- OCI, how to detect a no_data_found with an update
- OEM - 9i Windows XP -
- OFA: Why?
- Ok, mikey is a coward
- OLAP Configuration
- OMLETv4 - Configuration Questions
- OMLETv4 The Ultimate Instance Monitor
- OMLETv4 The Ultimate Oracle Monitoring Tool
- OMLETv4 The Ultimate SPAMMER
- OMLETv4 The Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool
- OMS doesnt start up after reboot
- OMWB vs DTS (SqlServer2k to Oracle)
- ON UPDATE CASCADE - is there such a thing?
- Opinions on Unorthodox Server Setup
- OPMN failing to start during 10g install on RH8
- ora 19502 with adding datafile
- ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
- ORA-00911 on Oracle 10g DBCA during install
- ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS
- ORA-03001
- ora-04031 error
- ora-1555 and minextents (8i)
- ORA-6550 PLS-707 parameter 2603 - internal error or unsupported structure - solved
- ORA-6550 PLS-707 parameter 2603 - internal error or unsupported structure.
- ORA_TEMP_1_DS tables in data dictionary
- Oracle 10g and Fedora Core 2
- Oracle 10g Database Configuration Assistant disappears
- Oracle 10g linux download question
- Oracle 10g on Fedora Core 2
- Oracle 10g on Linux kernel 2.6
- Oracle 10g Server on Windows XP Pro
- Oracle 8i and 10g on same Windows 2000 box?
- oracle 8i in a Pentium IV
- Oracle 9.2 Database - after instalation
- Oracle 9.2 install: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 15
- Oracle patch set installation on HPU NIX
- Oracle 9i/W2K, starting db under different user account
- Oracle application server, which platform
- Oracle Database Auditing - Some more questons
- Oracle database Server 9.2 fails to start when Windoes 2000 Pro machine rebooted
- Oracle Disk Configuration question.
- ORacle error upon startup
- Oracle export conversion
- Oracle Forms Builder Language 10g
- Oracle LogMiner question
- Oracle security advisory 67 is released
- ORACLE TCP Comunication
- Oracle trigger equivalent of MSSQL trigger
- oracle817 + fedora2 is it possible ?
- oracle9i performance on Windows Server
- oracle9i preformance on WIndows Server
- Oracle9i RAC On HP UNIX
- ORACLE_SID in client machine
- oracleasm for Fedora (or kernel 2.6.6)
- p3006854_9204_LINUX.zip wanted
- Package Compilation Problem
- Package Object Privilege Question
- Parameter need to change to force loopback traffic to use network as its transport
- password with command orapwd ?
- Performance Diagnosis
- Performance Difference
- Performance Difference - Frank van Bortel
- Performance issue with new 9i database
- Performance issues with GTT.??
- pga_aggregate_target and temp tablespace extent sizing
- pga_aggregate_target plus sort_area_size set in init.ora
- Pictures of Chuck Lysaght (psycho) and Tom Bishop the pride of Oracle
- PL/SQL Dynamic sql
- Please accept my apology!
- Please help: stuck with ORA-12514
- Please note
- point-in-time balance calculation algorithm required
- Problem About Temporary Tablespace !!
- Problem monitoring http server in Oracle Enterprise Manager 9i
- problem stopping/starting a database
- Problem with Exporting/Importing data from multiple tables?
- Problems after import
- Problems cloning a database/database instance
- Problems installing oracle 9i on Suse Linux Pro 9.1
- problems running and connecting to Oracle
- Q: formatting the results
- Q: inc. size of temp tablespace
- Q: recreate a table with index in anothor tablesapce
- query performance
- Question about connecting to Oracle database from another server
- Question about materialized views/snapshots
- Questions about SYSTEM Statistics
- Re - new datablade announced for informix
- Re-Syncing physical/logical standby
- Really looking forward to this one, Connor!
- recreate a table with index in anothor tablesapce
- REF column and index
- ref cursor slow compared to sql query
- Report Generator for Oracle and other RDBMS - beta testers needed
- REQ: Michael can you do a picture of Tom with eyeshadow?
- Retreiving distinct rows
- Reusing Cursor in PL/SQL
- rman cloning on a different host seprated 350miles
- RMAN error after changing UNDO tablespace
- RMAN Failure to Network Drive
- RMAN filesize
- Rman recovery question
- Same Procedure runs and fails intermittently
- Saving / Eporting Ora 9i DB via ODBC in .dmp file
- SELECT from multiple schemas at ones?
- Semaphores on W2K
- Serializable transactions get rolled back while there are no other transactions running?!
- Serializable transactions get rolled back while there are no othertransactions running?!
- Server refuses to start MTS/Shared connection
- session_cached_cursors
- set_item_property query
- Setting ulimit values in files on Redhat AS 2.1
- Setting up a new server
- shrinking .dbf files?
- Simple rounding query
- simple sql optimize help/mlml
- Simpsons characters like Lisa taking off all their clothes (pics)
- Single Box installation OCS 10G release 2 on Solaris 9
- Snapshot replication and schema names
- Solaris 10 (Express) & Oracle 10g
- Solaris 9 patches for Oracle
- Some scary guys
- Sorry...
- space savings using rman
- SQL for Modeling Generalization Hierarchies
- sql loader time field only no date
- SQL performance tuning
- SQL puzzle...
- SQL question
- SQL Server to Oracel
- sqlldr and character set
- SRW package
- standard edition with RAC
- Starting the serwer
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 06/06/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 06/13/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 06/20/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 06/27/2004
- steps to be followed for migrating data from 8.1.7 database to
- Stored procedure compilation problem
- strange view performance....
- substr etc...
- SYSDATE problem - Oracle - Solaris
- Table --> XML (+XSL) --> HTML
- Tables in Datafile
- Tablespace Offline on Oracle 817i
- Takes hours to create a New Database
- temporary sessionID???
- test restore of a database backup using oraback.sh
- the mikey cook script...
- The new Beastie Boys cd has a virus
- The Pumpkinification of Volker
- The sun is the same in a different way
- TNS-01152: All addresses specified for the listener name, LISTENER, failed
- TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection.
- Toad alternative?
- Tom Bishop agrees to teach Colin poetry
- Tom Bishop would make an excellent pre-op transsexual
- tough choices
- Transfer Data from SQL Server to Oracle 9i via DTS, very slowww
- Transparent Application Failover Clarification
- Two problems
- Two questions for Oracle
- Unicode stuff
- uninstalling oracle
- UNIX Services on WIndows 2000 Server
- Upgrading from 7.3 to 9iR2 or 10g on openVMS - Pro*C problems to expect?
- User's running command
- using VCS to automate Oracle primary/standby failovers
- V$FILESTAT reports very long average write times.
- v$rollstat
- Variables scoped to the session (connection)?
- verifying number of free extents
- wanna do a good thing?
- Weired problem when using serializable transaction in 10g
- What can be the cause for corrupted index?
- What do you think of Tom's pictures?
- what exactly does 'cosistent read' mean?
- What router should I buy
- What so special about PostgreSQL and other RDBMS?
- When the DBA sequels - simple (phfilosophical?) tuning question
- Where to find discussion of EJB vs Database
- Which column caused ORA-01438?
- which column type char,varchar2 is better for index?
- Why are your narrow buttocks so receptive to Chuck, Tom?
- Why this query is sooo slow?!
- Why?
- Windows ASM and DBCA in 10g
- Wrapped stored procedure
- xa configuration on oracle 9.2
- xmc
- XML Attribute to element
- XPath via HTTP
- You will never be as smart as the Tom
- Last message date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 23:57:52 CDT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 16:42:49 CDT