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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: database market share 2003
Serge Rielau allegedly said,on my timestamp of 9/06/2004 11:49 PM:
> One can pick on the fact that the author didn't fully qualify "DB2 UDB"
> to "DB2 UDB for Linux Unix and Windows".
> We discussed this "legacy" problem of the UDB qualifier in earlier posts > in this thread. UDB is unfortunately commonly used similarly to "SQL". > "SQL" means MS SQL Server, UDB means DB2 UDB for Linux Unix and Windows.
The whole thing could be dropped if IBM used the terms it has always used: AS400 SQL, mainframe DB2 and UDB for the rest. This idea that "everything is DB2" but in fact isn't is just confusing, open to mis-interpretation and a dirt easy target. Whoever came up with this at IBM should be summarily shot...
> Mark over a beer what that feature means we settled for "marketing
> doesn't know better".
Yup, I'd go along with that.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto on Wed Jun 09 2004 - 09:22:13 CDT