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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: database market share 2003
You mean this:
"* Multiple operating systems, running on IBM and non-IBM hardware
That statement is correct.
One can pick on the fact that the author didn't fully qualify "DB2 UDB"
to "DB2 UDB for Linux Unix and Windows".
We discussed this "legacy" problem of the UDB qualifier in earlier posts
in this thread. UDB is unfortunately commonly used similarly to "SQL".
"SQL" means MS SQL Server, UDB means DB2 UDB for Linux Unix and Windows.
I recall a debate with Mark on an Oracle claim alleging that "inline
procedural language" wasn't new and Oracle has it. After explaining to
Mark over a beer what that feature means we settled for "marketing
doesn't know better".
Not every fine slip is malicious.
-- Serge Rielau DB2 SQL Compiler Development IBM Toronto LabReceived on Wed Jun 09 2004 - 08:49:04 CDT