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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 9i on Windows 2000 Server Workgroup
"fu manchu" <> wrote in message
> Okay, I want to get on with this so I setup a fixed IP for my server.
> Here's the result of 'lsnrctl services' and the .ora files (only
> interesting point is STATUS UNKNOWN):
> -----------------------------
> I:\>lsnrctl services
> LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on
> 25-JUN-2004 00:06:
> 23
> Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Connecting to
> ))
> Services Summary...
> Service "len92.beast" has 1 instance(s).
> Instance "len92", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this
> service...
> Handler(s):
> "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
> The command completed successfully
The status 'unknown' is what you get when you statically declare the instance in the SID_LIST section of the listener.ora. It is perfectly normal. You've told the listener that 'len92' exists in black and white, but it hasn't a clue whether it's actually running or not.
What is not normal is that you don't *also* have an instance with a status of 'READY', which is what you get when the instance registers the fact of its actual existence with the listener at instance startup time. If you haven't got automatic instance registration happening, then something is wrong...
> -----------------------------
> # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File:
> I:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
> # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
> LEN92 =
> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
> )
> (SERVICE_NAME = len92.beast)
> )
> )
> -------------------------------
Looks fine to me.
> LISTENER.ORA Network Configuration File:
> I:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\listener.ora
> # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
> )
> )
> )
> (GLOBAL_DBNAME = len92.beast)
> (ORACLE_HOME = I:\oracle\ora92)
> (SID_NAME = len92)
Bingo. Here is your static declaration that 'len92' exists. It's because of this you get the 'UNKNOWN' status earlier. Perfectly OK.
> Here is the SQL show parameter output:
The list of parameters you included is not the world's most helpful. Your problem (one of them, at any rate) is that you do not have dynamic instance registration happening. What does local_listener say?
> Everything looks okay to me except the status UNKOWN bit early in the
> lnsrctl services output.
Red herring. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's the lack of anything else that is a problem.
> It wouldn't work at all until I set HOST = instead of
> HOST = beast.
And that simply means you haven't got your networking sorted out, I suspect. With that fixed IP address in place, can you 'ping beast' at a command prompt? What's the result of 'ipconfig /all'? If using a machine name means it doesn't work, then your names resolution mechanism is stuffed, so how does your hosts file look?
> The listener still immediately dies after the first time it
> establishes a connection. I'm stumped. Any ideas?
Well, not really anything terribly specific (you might do a search at google for something along the lines of 'listener crashes', because I know that problem has been asked here before. I can't recall what the answer (if any) was. Certainly running on is not the best idea in the world, when is available). Other than that, one can't expect Oracle to run without trouble on top of a still slightly-dodgy-sounding networking situation. If Beast really does =, then the use of one or the other should be irrelevant. Both should work interchangeably. That they don't means your host name resolution mechanism is not implemented properly. So: what's in your \etc\hosts file? And what's the output from ipconfig /all? and what's the setting of local_listener?
For the record, there is nothing at all wrong with your listener.ora, or the tnsnames.ora.
Received on Fri Jun 25 2004 - 01:04:30 CDT
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