Ian wrote:
> Can you list the specific security features that are provided with the
> base Oracle product that are missing from DB2 UDB for LUW?
I'm presuming DB2 has column encryption, roles, system and object
privileges, GRANT/DENY privileges, basic auditing etc. So I think that
- Enterprise Users (password authenticated, requires an LDAP directory)
- Schema Independent Users
- Security Policies (policies attached to tables and views that
determine what rows can be accessed based on information known about the
- Secure Application Contexts (the afore mentioned user information,
which cannot be spoofed)
- Global Application Contexts (same again, this time shared across
multiple connections)
- Relevant Column Enforcement (applies security policy only when query
accesses named columns)
- Relevant Column Masking (all rows are returned, but relevant columns
are masked (hidden) according to security policy)
- Partitioned Fine Grained Access Control (allows multiple security
policies to be applied to the same table, information about the user
determines which policy is applied)
- Proxy Authentication - allows a user identity on a client to be
securely proxied through a middle tier, without the need for the middle
tier to know the users security credentials (password etc).
- Audit Policies (similar to security polcies, in that they are specific
to what the user trys to access, and that they fire an audit event)
- Audit trails that include what data the user saw at the time they
performed the operation (uses Flashback if the row has since been
changed, deleted, etc)
- Administrator Audit Trails - an audit trail of what the DBA did that
the DBA etc cannot see.
- Proxied User Audit Trails - an audit trail that shows what a client
did via a middle tier proxy.
Last but not least, 10 independent security certifications (over
multiple releases).
Note that this is just the base EE product - the Advanced Security
Option, and Label Security, extends this list of features (and
certifications) even further.
Received on Fri Jun 25 2004 - 01:08:26 CDT