Sids wrote:
> Michael Austin <> wrote in message news:<wW_wc.4940$>...
>>Sids wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>I would like to capture the traffic of a oracle server & oracle clinet
>>>exist on the same machine. would like to capture all the query coming
>>>through loopback.. i have put my program between tcp & ip layer to
>>>capture the loopback traffic .. but seems it uses some sharred memory
>>>.. could any body lemme know the parameters i need to change to
>>>disable the shared memory uses
>>>Thanks in advance
>>Operating system and versions??? what applicatin are you using to make
>>the connection? SQL*Plus? homegrown? what does your connect statement
>>look like? Depending on OS etc... using username/password_at_sid (must
>>have TNSNAMES and Listener properly configured) will generally force it
>>to use the network as it's transport.
>>Michael Austin.
> Thanks Michal,
> I am using sql*plus. actally i need to know which parameter i need to
> change to force it to use network as it's transport.
> thanks
sqlnet.ora configuration file.
trace_level_client= [OFF, USER, ADMIN, SUPPORT]
Look for a .trc file
Frank van Bortel
Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 13:03:51 CDT