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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: database market share 2003
Noons <> wrote in message news:<40c46c5b$0$1586$>...
> Serge Rielau allegedly said,on my timestamp of 7/06/2004 10:29 PM:
> > It is a bit like me going out there and asking Mark Townsend to _admit_
> > that RDB licenses are counted under Oracle's marketshare. Well, I
> If they are and I'm not aware of such a thing, then it is EQUALLY
> wrong and as blatantly deranged as IBM's claims. And quite frankly if that
> is what Gartner is doing, they truly deserve the title of morons.
> Even Oracle admits RDB is a "hierarchical db" and doesn't have
> the nerve to call it relational!
(It's been 10 years?)
-- is bogus. on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 16:40:06 CDT