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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Help ! Very challenging SQL - Oracle/Teradata
"Jonathan Lewis" <> wrote in message
> If you can't do scalar subqueries in Teradata,
> I guess you'll have to do an outer cartesian
> join (to get the zero count) between the tables
> and group by every column in MST.
> For example:
> select mst.dt1, mst.dt2, nvl(sum(flg),0)
> from
> mst,
> (select dt,1 flg from dat where ind = 1)
> where
> dt(+) between dt1 and dt2
> group by
> mst.dt1, mst.dt2
> ;
> I think the Oracle syntax for the outer join
> above turns into the following ANSI, but
> I still have to think hard about ANSI joins
> so it may be wrong, or second best.
> select mst.dt1, mst.dt2, nvl(sum(flg),0)
> from
> mst
> left outer join
> (select dt,1 flg from dat where ind = 1)
> on
> dt between dt1 and dt2
> group by
> mst.dt1, mst.dt2
> /
It can be simplified a bit:
select mst.*, count(dt)
from mst left join dat
on dt between dt1 and dt2 and ind=1
group by dt1,dt2;
> --
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
Received on Fri Jun 04 2004 - 06:52:57 CDT