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If you can't do scalar subqueries in Teradata, I guess you'll have to do an outer cartesian join (to get the zero count) between the tables and group by every column in MST.
For example:
select mst.dt1, mst.dt2, nvl(sum(flg),0)
(select dt,1 flg from dat where ind = 1)
dt(+) between dt1 and dt2
group by
mst.dt1, mst.dt2
I think the Oracle syntax for the outer join above turns into the following ANSI, but I still have to think hard about ANSI joins so it may be wrong, or second best.
select mst.dt1, mst.dt2, nvl(sum(flg),0)
left outer join
(select dt,1 flg from dat where ind = 1)
dt between dt1 and dt2
group by
mst.dt1, mst.dt2
The only other alternative is to check if
teradata can call a function inside a SQL
statement, and use that to return the count
of dates - avoiding the massive sort is
probably a good idea.
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ Optimising Oracle Seminar - schedule updated May 1st <> wrote in message on Fri Jun 04 2004 - 04:19:31 CDT
> Dear Group,
> I have the following SQL which I want to rewrite. I am involved in a
> oracle/terradata integration project and needs to convert some sqls
> from teradata to oracle and vice versa. The later seems to be very
> complex when it comes to scalar queries.
> The following works fine in Oracle (and DB2).
> create table dat (dt date, ind int);
> create table mst (dt1 date, dt2 date) ;
> insert into dat select trunc(sysdate) - 11 + rownum, decode
> (mod(rownum,5),0,0,1) from all_tables where rownum < 21
> insert into mst select dt, dt + trunc(dbms_random.value(1,20)) from
> dat ;
> update mst set dt1 = dt2 + 1 where rownum = 1 ;
> select mst.*, case when dt1 < dt2
> then (select count(*) from dat where ind = 1 and dt between mst.dt1
> and mst.dt2)
> else 0
> end as ct from mst
> --where ..
> My requirement is that I have to find another way to rewrite this
> query. I have been struggling with this query for more than a day now.
> I have to get the same result without using scalar sub query.
> Basically, I have to get the,
> "count(*) from dat where the dt column is between mst.dt1 and mst.dt2
> else I have to get 0"
> Note: there is no direct relation between dat table and mst table.
> "dat" table is a table with a date column and an indicator column.
> Note, teradata doesn't allow the following forms.
> 1, select col1, col2, (SELECT bld bla.. from .. where ..) as col3 from
> ..
> 2, select col1, col2, case when cond then (SELECT ...) ...
> Thanks,
> -Dave