Noons wrote:
> Mark A allegedly said,on my timestamp of 11/06/2004 11:01 PM:
>> I never claimed that there were no DB2 to Oracle conversions. However YOU
>> DID CLAIM that were no Oracle to DB2 conversions because you did not
>> see any
>> of them.
> No. Stay within the Queen's language, please. I said there are very few
> (if any) commercial app conversions AWAY from Oracle. What there is
> is PORTING AS WELL to SQL Server and DB2. Perfectly kosher in anyone's
> book and only you could come up with the derivation that it is
> a "conversion from Oracle".
Porting is certainly the vast majority of work that is going on, and
that is healthy for the market, IMHO.
But there is also a good deal of conversion as I know first hand.
Especially the BI space is highly contested between Oracle, DB2 for LUW
and Teradata. The product offerings differ sufficiently as well as the
prices to make the investments into a conversion worthwhile.
Reality is no customer converts a custom app without good reason. It
requires a lot of sweat.
Packaged apps are a different story due to the abstraction layer. A lot
Serge Rielau
DB2 SQL Compiler Development
IBM Toronto Lab
Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 19:41:24 CDT