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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: tough choices
Mark A wrote:
> since both DB2 for z/OS and Oracle only support share-everything
> parallelism, that is what they both have range partitioning instead of hash
> partitioning (hash partitioning is designed to split the load evenly across
> all partitions).
Oracle also has hash partitioning, for the same reasons. Oracle also has list partitioning, and indeed range-hash and list-hash.
> Having actually worked on such applications, I can say that it can be done
> quite well with DB2 UNION ALL views. If Oracle is slightly better in that
> respect with range partitioning, then fine. I don't think it is deal
> breaker. The use of range partitioning comes at a big cost, especially when
> trying to balance a load across multiple partitions for true parallel
> operations that are scalable. With range partitioning, one gets a lot of hot
> spots on a particular partition (which is usually the most current monthly
> or yearly data).
And hence the support in Oracle for hash, and even better, range-hash. Do you actually know much about Oracle's partitioning - it sounds like you think Oracle does what DB2 OS/390 does. In fact, Oracle's partitioning capabilities are more like what is in Informix XPS. Received on Sun Jun 20 2004 - 02:47:11 CDT