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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Benefits of RMAN (DB2 Convert) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi,
> Really, if my database isn't big enough to deploy incremental backup, I don't
> see the advantages of RMAN over the conventional ALTER TABLESPACE ... BACKUP BEGIN.
> Advantages of RMAN are:
> 1. Incremental where only modified data blocks will be copied
> 2. Integrity check for the data block in case they are corrupted
> 3. Can do parallelism instead of sequential
> 4. ???
> What else?
> Anyone can list down more advantages of RMAN will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
> DB2 Convert
Advantages of RAMN over alter tablespace begin backup ...
RMAN keeps track of when backups were done, what flles were backed up
so when one goes to restore. RMAN will automatically figure out
which backups to restore -full backups, incremental backups, archived
logs etc. This RMAN automates the recovery process. Withour RMAN, a
DBA will have to manually figure out which backups, archived logs etc
to restore and then do the recovery,
Also, in one recovery catalog, one can store information about many
backups, quite useful when a DBA has to take care of many databases in
I have worked with DB2 on ZOS/OS 390 a little bit (not an expert). If
I recall,
some functionality of RMAN is integrated into backup coomands of DB2.
But I don't know whether DB2 provides a facility where from one
catalog one can
get information on backups of many databases (subsystems).
Prem Received on Sat Jun 26 2004 - 10:51:59 CDT