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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle export conversion
"Bj" <> wrote in message
> hi,
> Is there a way to convert a binary oracle database export to an ascii
> export ?
> We're unable to re-import the full binary export so we want to get some
> specific tables.
> With the imp command, we managed to get DDL statments but now we need to
> get the data.
So learn how to control the import utility, then. At a command line, type "imp help=y", and notice things like the TABLES parameter, so that it becomes possible to import only those parts of the export which you want. Or the FROMUSER parameter which permits a single schema to be imported. Either way, there is no requirement for you to re-import the full file. I suspect you may already know about these things, but if that's the case, you'll have to explain why they are insufficient to satisfy your requirements: there's nothing in your current post that indicates what your actual issue is.
In specific answer to your question, there is no utility that can turn the binary representation of data within an export dump file into ASCII. Import is the only thing that truly understands and works with dump files, so your job becomes one of knowing how to understand and control import. Once the data is in a table, it can be output as ASCII by merely spooling the results of a select in SQL Plus.
Received on Tue Jun 15 2004 - 08:41:33 CDT