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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: test restore of a database backup using
> I have made a cold backup of Oracle 8.1.5 instance running on my Solaris 7
> box using
> I have another Redhat Linux 7.3 running Oracle 8.1.7.
> I want to do a test restore on this system but have no idea of the exact
> procedures or any pitfalls to watch out for.
> Thanks for any advice. Sorry if this is a mediocre question as I am a only
> an Oracle novice.
Solaris and RedHat are not the same OS so i doubt very much that the datafiles will copy over from your backup
You should really be using at least the same family of OS's to do something like this
If you did that you could copy all the files over, startup but don't open the DB and then run u0801050.sql script in the rdbms\admin
folder to upgrade from 8.1.5 to 8.1.7
You should then eb able to open the upgraded DB
tom Received on Wed Jun 09 2004 - 07:21:57 CDT