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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: OMLETv4 The Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool
"Joel Garry" <> wrote in message
> > I see! You really deserve a medal for correctly explaining this. I
> > thought it ryhms with your status quo: mutilations!
> Dang, I thought he meant something about eating up performance :-)
Status Quo can surely only mean grey haired uk rockers...
> > I guess your status quo is now: pinky
> Never trust an Andorean.
Damn and the High Command told me never to let slip my true identity :)
> Well, as an OCP, and someone who watched it spring into existence and
> has followed it closely, I'd say he's right, although I am starting to
> see it in job postings, and have posted previously what I think the
> usefulness is.
For the record, I think Oracle Education does an excellent job - Microsoft Education is excellent as well. The problem comes with the style of the exams and the 'remember 600 questions and pass' exam guides. The certificate proves nothing (I know this I have an excellent memory for exam questions) - the attendance on the courses is valuable (though perhaps not to the cost of the courses :)).
> As for the rest, I think most anyone from Oracle who
> has followed his posts would see he is more reasonable than you.
For the record, anyone who thinks I am unreasonable or abusive is more than welcome to take it up with me. I value reasonableness, opinion and common sense highly. I abhor abuse, bullying and offensive behaviour and would be mortified if I were guilty of any of them. Thanks for the nice words though Joel - they are appreciated.
> I
> wouldn't be surprised if Oracle OCP management is aware of what has
> been said here. I think they care, too, even if only to keep the
> revenue stream up. And perhaps some read even the worst comments
> about OCP here as constructive criticism.
I'm not at all sure. ISTM that OCP's target market is recruiters and HR depts not IT professionals. We sell the software, we accredit the people who run it, we sell consultancy is the way it goes. The occasional discussion here, or in oracle mag along the lines of 'but question x ignored situation y - or is wrong for situation p,q & r' is probably irrelevant.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA http://www.niall.litchfield.dial.pipex.comReceived on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 14:26:08 CDT
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