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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: calling sqlldr from java using 9ias doesn't work
Jens Bröking wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a problem in invoking sqlldr from java when i run CreateProccess from
> within Oracle 9IAS
> the Situation: we use Oracle 9ias as jsp Server. We have written a java
> program that is invoked via jsp. In this program we create a process (vie
> CreateProcess) and want to import ascii data into our oracle database by
> using sqlldr.
> We can call any ORCALE program, but did not get sqlldr running from 9ias.
> Having the same program /JSP and java program) running in tomcat on the same
> machine / environment works fine!
> From 9ias we are not able to start sqlldr. return code is 4. Any ideas what
> this could be?
> return code is 4
Return from where to where?
Since sqlldr typically run at the command line,
I suspect that the shell's environment is missing/wrong.
Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 19:25:22 CDT