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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Don Burleson: The Index Rebuild Debate
Richard Foote wrote:
> OK Don, technical issue number 1.
> In my Index Rebuild presentation you seem to have taken exception to
> ( , I mention a
> couple of quotes of yours.
> First quote:
> "Note that Oracle indexes will spawn to a fourth level only in areas of the
> index where a massive insert has occurred, such that 99% of the index has
> three levels, but the index is reported as having four levels."
> This comes from an article that you Don, yes you, wrote and promoted in this
> very newsgroup in the "Index Rebuilding" thread in January last year
> (
> I suggest in my presentation that this is utter rubbish and a silly Oracle
> myth. So please Don, explain why you are correct and I'm so wrong. Don,
> explain how an Oracle B*tree index can become unbalanced in the manner you
> describe. Supply us with evidence, a test case, just one example of where
> this is possible. It's your claim Don, come on, prove it. If you wish, you
> can even make reference to the quote that Niall mentions in his excellent
> post where you make exactly the same claim.
> While doing so, you may also want to explain why all your posts in that
> thread and most of your others have subsequently disappeared from the
> archives? It's all very odd isn't it ? Why have they been removed Don, you'
> re not trying to hide something are you ? I've asked this of you in the past
> with no response, perhaps you might want to take this opportunity to explain
> yourself now ?
> Second quote:
> "If the index clustering is high, an index rebuild may be beneficial"
> This comes from your "infamous" Inside Oracle Indexes article
> (
> I also suggest in my presentation that this is utter rubbish and another
> Oracle myth. So again, please Don, explain why you're correct and why I'm so
> wrong. Don, explain why on earth if you have a high CF, you would consider
> an index rebuild. Supply us with evidence, a test case, just one example of
> how the CF changes after a rebuild. I strongly suggest to you Don that near
> the end of your presentation (point 2) where this quote originates that your
> entire discussion is absolute rubbish. Completely wrong. Because Don, if you
> delete "all people whose last_name begins with the letter K", the result on
> the index would be *exactly the same regardless of the CF*. Prove me wrong
> Don, please do. And if the CF doesn't change Don, and the rebuild criteria
> remains the same afterwards, please Don what was the purpose of the rebuild
> if the index simply needs again to be immediately rebuilt ? Don, please show
> your Oracle Guruness and explain yourself. And please, play fair and debate
> the issue *before* you go and change the article again.
> The floor's all yours Don, debate away .
> Or would you rather nibble on some cheese ? Squeak Squeak.
> Richard
Here we are ... A MAGIC EXAMPLE THAT REDUCES THE CLUSTERING FACTOR WHEN YOU REBUILD THE INDEX ! ! ! As we've always said, its important to be able to backup claims with simple examples. So here we go...
SQL> create table T ( x number );
Table created.
SQL> insert into T
2 select dbms_random.value
3 from all_objects
4 where rownum < 10000;
9999 rows created.
SQL> create index TX on T ( x ) compute statistics;
Index created.
SQL> select clustering_factor
2 from user_indexes
3 where index_name = 'TX';
SQL> alter index TX rebuild compute statistics;
Index altered.
SQL> select clustering_factor
2 from user_indexes
3 where index_name = 'TX';
Voila! An index rebuild has altered the clustering factor
(Now I suppose I should also include the little bit of extra code that was used to "assist" with this example)
SQL> create or replace trigger tweak_clustfac
2 after alter on schema
3 declare
4 pragma autonomous_transaction;
5 j number;
6 obj varchar2(100);
7 begin
8 select ora_dict_obj_name into obj from dual
9 where ora_dict_obj_name = 'TX';
10 dbms_job.submit(j,
11 'begin 12 update ind$ 13 set clufac = trunc(clufac / 2) 14 where obj# = 15 ( select obj# from obj$ 16 where name = ''TX'' ); 17 commit; 18 end;');
Trigger created.
ha ha ha ha...sorry, couldn't resist
-- Connor McDonald Co-author: "Mastering Oracle PL/SQL - Practical Solutions" ISBN: 1590592174 web: web: email: Coming Soon! "Oracle Insight - Tales of the OakTable" "GIVE a man a fish and he will eat for a day. But TEACH him how to fish, and...he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day" ------------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 09:27:04 CDT
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