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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: tough choices
"Sy Borg" <> wrote in message
> Hello:
> 2. DB2 can deliver better performance but only if the data that is
> accessed together is physically laid out together and the application
> has knowledge of the physical data layout (so it can connect to the
> right node in the cluster ). However, if, we separate the application
> logic from physical layout of the data the performance will be
> unpredictable.
I am not sure what you mean by this (number 2), but I don't think it is
correct. But before passing final judgment, I would like hear a better
explanation of what you mean.
Also, either database will probably handle the majority of applications equally well from a performance standpoint. The exception might be if you had some unusually high transaction or query volumes or unusually large tables (neither of which was specified in enough detail to pass judgment on).. Received on Wed Jun 16 2004 - 11:17:58 CDT