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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ora-04031 error
Howard J. Rogers wrote:
> "John Wood" <> wrote in message
> news:XCxxc.1898$cS.1398_at_edtnps89...
>>I have Oracle 9202 database on window2000. One morning I noticed that
>>database was down. In the .trc trace file it showed "ORA-04031:unable to >>allocate 18420 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","sga >>heap(1,0)","session param values")". When I tried to log on with SYS >>account, I got the same error message. >> >>I shutdown and restart the win2000 server, then the database started fine >>and I managed to log on with dba account. >> >>My question is: Is there any other way I can do to start the database
>>than the win2000 restart ?
Well, he could move it to a "real" operating system like OpenVMS. Most Oracle sites I know that use VMS don't do the weekly/montly reboots like they do on Windows (and some UNIX servers like Solaris/SunOS). :) :) :)
Michael Austin.
<big snip> Received on Wed Jun 09 2004 - 15:19:14 CDT