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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-6550 PLS-707 parameter 2603 - internal error or unsupported structure - solved
I guess I should make some some specific tests, to find out what the exact
"threshold" is, but since my code is working fine after my "fix" I'm simply
to lazy to fiddle some more.
Maybe one day I'll get back to it (most likely if it's broken again :-)
"Yong Huang" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for posting a "problem solved" message. We all benefit from it.
> It's interesting to know it's the long string of "insert ... chr..."
> that caused the problem. I thought it was due to SQL string length in
> 8i. But 8i documentation (References - Logical Database Limits) says
> SQL Statement Length
> Maximum length of statements
> 64K maximum; particular tools may impose lower limits.
> exactly the same as in 9i. So that can't be it. I guess if your insert
> statement is a 32k regular text string without any CHR in it or a
> string with many "||" in it, it still works.
> Yong Huang
Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 04:47:56 CDT