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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> using VCS to automate Oracle primary/standby failovers
I'm familiar with using VCS to failover services using shared storage between hosts. But can I configure VCS to automate failing over to an Oracle standby DB that does *not* use shared storage?
VCS would not be responsible for transferring the archivelogs or redologs to the standby DB, although it would be nice if ensuring that all required logs were on the standby was part of the mechanism (again, not required, though. We already have a mechanisms in place that do that). VCS would be required to perform the steps to turn the primary into the standby (if it's up) and the standby into the primary.
Is this possible? Or can VCS only be used in a shared-storage/disk-import config? Received on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 14:18:33 CDT