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You're missing the big one.
Alter tablespace...begin backup causes your tablespaces to generate 10, 20 maybe even 30 times as much redo as they would normally. That redo inflation rate doesn't happen with RMAN. Extra redo writing is not good news for performance.
Besides: RMAN needs no scripting. So no home development whose quality is often dubious. Also, ASM works as well with raw as with cooked file systems.
And keep an eye on things like 10g's ASM: RMAN is the *only* way to back up ASM-based data files. So... just as when 9.2 came along, and we could smell that the days of dictionary-managed tablespace were nearing their end, so you should begin to sense that the days of "begin backup" are drawing to a close. Get with the program, therefore, and invest some effort into the one technology that has a future.
"DB2 Convert" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Really, if my database isn't big enough to deploy incremental backup, I
> see the advantages of RMAN over the conventional ALTER TABLESPACE ...
> Advantages of RMAN are:
> 1. Incremental where only modified data blocks will be copied
> 2. Integrity check for the data block in case they are corrupted
> 3. Can do parallelism instead of sequential
> 4. ???
> What else?
> Anyone can list down more advantages of RMAN will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
> DB2 Convert
Received on Sat Jun 26 2004 - 06:33:42 CDT