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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Re-Syncing physical/logical standby
"Pete's" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hi Pete's,
> For the physical standby, all you do is the following:
> 1. Copy all archives from the time gap to the standby database
> archive location.
> 2. startup nomount
> 3. alter database mount standby database
> 4. recover automatic standby database until cancel
> 5. recover managed standby database disconnect.
Thanks, we'll check this out
> For logical standby's, I'm not sure, I've not had the opportunity to
> test. However, I would think that this would make your setup more
> complex in having to manage two different standby db's.
Your're heavily understating ;-)
Olaf Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 09:43:10 CDT