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Re: database market share 2003

From: Mark Townsend <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 05:18:55 GMT
Message-ID: <3hbyc.67847$3x.50913@attbi_s54>

> If one submitts an article to IDUG or DBM Tech it is _mandatory_ to
> clarify the applicability in the title if a talk is not cross-platform.

Here are session titles from this years IDUG Conferences - very few of them cross platform, and not a single one with any sign of platform applicability. I guess we need to differ of what _mandatory_ means as well.

2PC: DB2 is from Mars & WebServers are from Venus 60 DB2 UDB Tips in 60 Minutes
A List of DB2 Top Ten Lists In which we ponder numerouse DB2 topics for learning
Amaze Your Friends and Impress Your Family: More Details of DB2 UDB Internals
An insider's look at the next version of DB2 And I Thought I Knew all There Was to Know about DB2 Archiving Data into an “Offline” DB2 Database Are your DB2 Tools ready for the latest version of DB2 ? Automated DB2 Release Migrations
Automated Statistics Collection with DB2 V8.2 Automating DB2 Structure Changes
Autonomic DB2-simplicity/performance, availability Availability 101 for DB2
Benchmarking a DB2 Application
Best practices for managing DB2 Large Objects Building and Maintaining DB2 UDB Data Warehouses Considering "Dipsies" - New Indexes for DB2 V8 Continuous Data Protection in DB2 Environments DB2 - Ready for Java
DB2 and the Internet – 17 Performance Tips DB2 And Workload Manager: Setting Optimal Goals DB2 and XML
DB2 Application Development - v8 update
DB2 Application Development; Triggers / Stored Procedures / UDF’s DB2 Application Development; XML / .NET / JAVA / Web Services DB2 B&R Speed is still the most critical demand DB2 Catalog and Migration: past, present & future DB2 Cube Views: the OLAP-aware RDBMS
DB2 Design Advisor: More than just index selection DB2 HA with VERITAS Cluster Products
DB2 in a .NET World
DB2 Kernel - The Inside Tour
DB2 Memory: Impacts on Application Performance. DB2 Stored Procedures Masterclass
DB2 UDB and Grid Computing
DB2 UDB High Performance Design
DB2 UDB in 2004. A Technology Update!
DB2 UDB Internals : Indepth (In 2-days)
DB2 UDB Internals for Administrators : Complete with V8 Details DB2 UDB V8 : Exploiting it's New Advancements in High Availability DB2 UDB V8 Database Administration Certification Preparation DB2 V8 SQL and Performance Enhancements
DB2 V8 Stored Procedures and WLM – Get Ready Now! DB2 V8 System Point-in-Time Recovery for ERP DB2 Version 8 - Partitioning Changes
DB2 Version 8 for Application Developers Designing and building a 24X7 database using DB2 End-to-End DB2 UDB Performance and Management Solutions Enterprise DB2 Monitoring On The Cheap
Fast Track To Optimal DB2 Performance
Get Ready for DB2 V8 – Improving Access Paths without Risk Get the Latest on DB2 V8 Straight From the Source – IBM’s DB2 Lead Strategist
Getting More Kicks out of DB2 Performance Data Getting the Most out of UDB Monitoring and Tuning Hands-on programming - DB2 Application Development Health Checking Your DB2 System
High Availability and Disaster Recovery in DB2 UDB HOW DB2 HAS FACED A DISASTER RECOVERY SIMULATION How To Avoid Common DB2 Implementation Mistakes How to compare instances of DB2 Objects. IBM DB2 Administration and Performance Tools IBM DB2 Cube Views -- Large Customer Case Study Implementing and Monitoring DB2 UDB replication Inside DB2's Backup and Recovery
Integrating EMC Storage Technologies into DB2 UDB Database Solutions JDBC Best Practices for DB2 Programmers
Key design in DB2
Managing Query Workload with your DB2 UDB Database Memory Management in DB2 UDB - V8 Updates Monitoring and Tracking Availability with UDB OLAP in DB2: MDCs, MQTs, and Cube Views
Performance Tuning in Large DB2 Environments Practical Techniques for DB2 Application Tuning Recovery Management for DB2
SAP and DB2 : Mission Impossible or Pretty Woman ? SQL in DB2 UDB V8: Changes, Challenges and Quirks Test Data Privacy and DB2 Application Testing Solutions The Doctor is In! Advanced Performance Diagnostics in DB2 The Frugal Data Warehouse - Doing more with DB2 The Ties That BIND DB2
Time-Delayed Log-Based DB2 UDB Replication with Aivant DBShadow Too Much Data in my DB2! What is Active Archiving? Tuning DB2 for the New Galaxy
Tuning your DB2 Pools How much memory do you Really Need? Unicode and DB2 V8, what you need to know Ways to access DB2 from a Java/web application What's new (and coming) in DB2 UDB in 2004. Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 00:18:55 CDT

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