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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Question about materialized views/snapshots
"NetComrade" <> wrote in message news:40c8b0c5.267427921_at_localhost...
> Is there are a way to have the snapshot contain 'stale' data while
> it's refreshing? We have joins w/ snapshots, and whenever they're
> refreshing the joins return nothing.
> The alternatives are outer joins and replacing a snapshot w/ a table
> which would be populated and deleted from in a single transaction.
> Thanks.
> .......
> We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes
> remove NSPAM to email
Either make the snapshot fast refreshable (if possible) and/or put it in a refresh group.
Otherwise a complete refresh truncates the data and then re-populates the snapshot.
Anurag Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 18:29:19 CDT