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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Single Box installation OCS 10G release 2 on Solaris 9
Hello everyone!
I've been leeching from this newsgroup for years, posting a little
follow-up now and then.. And finally the time has arrived for me to
try and post something useful here.
Well, useful.. It's a question, so no idea what someone can do with
that besides trying to answer it.
But give it your best shot! :)
I won't mind, really.
My question:
Is there ANY documentation about a single box install on Solaris?
Right now I am using a document I found on Metalink, but it describes a single box installation of OCS 903 on Linux.
I managed to install the infrastructure, storage and midtier part, but am stuck at the configuration of Oracle Calendar. I can login on the SSO-page, then login at the calendar-admin-page, but what then.. I SHOULD have some users there, because I made them in OID and Unified Messaging, but the only thing I can find is the standard orclguest user.
Before I post a very very very long message about the problems I'm running into, let's first see if someone has an answer on my first question :)
FYI, I allready created some iTAR's about this, but they only help me to the next step, and then close the iTAR. Progress is very slow this way, because everytime I need to create a TAR, wait for someone to pick it up, ofcourse it's not the same person as the TAR before that, so he wants a RDA-report, etc.etc.etc..
It could take some time for this message to reach you all, I am using the google-groups to post this. So forgive me If my reply is a little slow :)
Oh yeah, some (maybe useful) information about my environment:
Sun enterprise server, E450, 2 x UltraSparc 400 MHZ processor, 2GB
OS: solaris 9, latest recommended patch-cluster installed.
Oracle Collaboration Suite 10G release 2, single box.
LISTENER on 1521
Infra -> iasdb
Storage -> store
Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 05:44:20 CDT
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