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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: How about an Oracle debate?
Noons wrote:
> "Niall Litchfield" <> wrote in message news:<40c4daa2$0$20510$>...
> > Don Burleson allegedly said,on my timestamp of 7/06/2004 11:29 PM:
> >
> > NL> how appropriate
> It is, isn't it? :)
> I'm beginning to think it is not Don in those messages.
> Haven't run a trace yet, but will do soon.
> He can't be that crazy to suggest we do not exist, after
> publicly acknowledging our existence. Then again, he may be
> in trouble to establish exactly who to "call through the
> backdoor" and this could be a bit of social engineering in
> action. Well, if he can't find me on the Net then he doesn't
> deserve a reply.
> > NL> I suspect that this marks the first time the word organisation has been
> > used in respect of the OakTable Network. I personally hope its the last.
> HmmmIdunno, actually reading the foreword to Connor's book:
> "...Oaktable network is an informal organization..."...
> But what loses it for me is this: "...people have been admitted..."
> I strongly dislike the suggestion of "admission panels" in anything to do
> with professional associations. Too close to elite, something I refuse
> to be involved or associated with. And God only knows how many of those
> in the past have been responsible for the current state of Oracle myths.
> Last thing anyone needs is another one.
> But anyways it's just my opinion and everyone is of course welcome to
> differ or ignore it. Fine with me.
> BTW the book is awesome so far, this just won me (if I may just reproduce
> one sentence with apologies to the publisher):
> <We have deliberately avoided the term "performance" because
> efficiency is more than just performance.>
> If that is not worth a shot of the best scotch to be found, I don't
> know what is!
> :)
> > NL> Of course an attitude like that is a prerequisite for Oak table
> > membership :).
> I got it from an Oakie who was kind enough to write it down in his
> book when asked to sign it. See, it works! ;)
> > NL> Nicely said.
> Yeah but I regret to say, unfortunately wasted...
> It appears to be degenerating into another "mine is bigger than yours"
> contest. Ah well, stuff it.
> Cheers
> Nuno Souto
Funnily enough it was the copy editor who didn't like the term "bunch" and hence suggested "organisation". Yes, its true that admission is by vote but its simply to keep the numbers at bay - its not an attempt to be elitist, its an attempt to try not to reinvent usenet.
As far as I know, there's no fee, no perks, no secret handshake...maybe there is and no-one's told me yet :-)
So yeah, we're just a bunch of people who have a passion for Oracle itself, social discussion about Oracle, social discussion about whiskey, and well...pretty much social discussion about anything that takes our fancy.
-- Connor McDonald Co-author: "Mastering Oracle PL/SQL - Practical Solutions" ISBN: 1590592174 web: web: email: Coming Soon! "Oracle Insight - Tales of the OakTable" "GIVE a man a fish and he will eat for a day. But TEACH him how to fish, and...he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day" ------------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 08:47:26 CDT
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