> "anacedent" <> wrote in message
> news:D2Eyc.63290$tI2.52985_at_fed1read07...
>>bunky wrote:
>>>Dev database - Solaris 2.x, Oracle
>>>Test database - Solaris 8.x, Oracle
>>>Issue: I have a stored procedure which contains the following
>>>v_date := SYSDATE;
>>>This procedure runs fine on our Dev database, but when we tried to run
>>>it on the Test database (note environment differences above) it makes
>>>the stored procedure throw off errors and eventually I receive the
>>>generic ORA-03113 end-of-file communication channel error.
>>>On the Test database, I changed this SP code to perform a more
>>>traditional assignment of the date:
>>>Select SYSDATE into v_date from dual;
>>>This works fine on the Test database.
>>>Any ideas as to why the first assignment of SYSDATE is causing errors
>>>on my Test database?
>>I suspect that the "default" date format is different between the 2 DBs.
>>I suspect that "v_date" is of datatype VARCHAR2 and not of type DATE;
>>which is forcing an implicit datatype conversion (which is failing).
> Oops - I forgot to state in my original post that v_date is declared as DATE
> datatype, which makes this even more baffling to me.
Not if, as Ana C. suggests the date formats are different. Check all of
the related information in v_$parameter.
Might also want to patch to while you are at it.
Daniel Morgan
(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
Received on Sat Jun 12 2004 - 15:18:58 CDT