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Re: Oracle database Server 9.2 fails to start when Windoes 2000 Pro machine rebooted

From: Sybrand Bakker <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 18:48:17 +0200
Message-ID: <>

On 2 Jun 2004 07:39:08 -0700, (Gopal Sharma) wrote:

> I installed the Personal Edition of Oracle 9.2 server on my Windows
>2000 Professional machine. Immediately after installation, the DB
>worked fine, responding to client connections and SQL queries. But
>after I restarted my machine, the server is not responding to client
>connections - giving TNS:no listener error in the net8 configuration
>Can any one help and point out what might eb the reason, and how to
>fix it?
>I tried creating new DBs but was unable to connect, even though there
>was no hiccup during installation.
>However, the log files seem to show the server starting when i reboot
>the machine. following is the contents of log trace file:
>Dump file c:\ora9ias\admin\mntest1\udump\mntest1_ora_1340.trc
>Tue Jun 01 21:54:52 2004
>ORACLE V9. - Production vsnsta=0
>vsnsql=12 vsnxtr=3
>Windows 2000 Version 5.0 Service Pack 4, CPU type 586
>Personal Oracle9i Release - Production
>With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
>JServer Release - Production
>Windows 2000 Version 5.0 Service Pack 4, CPU type 586
>Instance name: mntest1
>Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>
>Oracle process number: 12
>Windows thread id: 1340, image: ORACLE.EXE
>*** 2004-06-01 21:54:52.000
>*** SESSION ID:(9.1) 2004-06-01 21:54:51.000
> (blkno = 0xe3, size = 276, max = 1, in-use = 1, last-recid= 0)
> (blkno = 0xe4, size = 56, max = 72, in-use = 1, last-recid= 1)
>Thread checkpoint rba:0x000007.00000002.0010 scn:0x0000.0010aaf4
>On-disk rba:0x000007.00003e29.0000 scn:0x0000.0010fe1b
>Use incremental checkpoint cache-low RBA
>Thread 1 recovery from rba:0x000007.00003060.0000 scn:0x0000.00000000
>----- Redo read statistics for thread 1 -----
>Read rate (ASYNC) = 882Kb/sec => 3529 blocks in 2s
>Read buffer = 8192Kb (16384 blocks)
>Longest record = 0Kb
>Record moves = 0/7908 (0%)
>*** 2004-06-01 21:55:07.000
>KCRA: start recovery claims for 126 data blocks
>*** 2004-06-01 21:55:07.000
>KCRA: buffers claimed = 126/126, eliminated = 0
>Any help would be highly appreciated.

Actually there is no sign at all in your post the *database* didn't start and the trace file you are including is located in an Oracle 9i Application Server related home.
So did you actually check

- the status of the service OracleService<SID> ?
- the contents of the alert<sid>.log ?
- the status of the OracleTNSlistener service
- Any 'Getting Started' documentation at all?

Some questions are really a FAQ, and there is a plethora of resources on the Internet answering them.
So *please* use them *before* posting

Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Wed Jun 02 2004 - 11:48:17 CDT

Original text of this message