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Serge Rielau apparently said,on my timestamp of 23/06/2004 10:39 PM:
> I s'pose the truth, as so often, is somewhere in the middle.
> DB2 UDB for LUW even collapses a UNION ALL view into a single
> "parameterized table" if possible, it pushes UPDATE and DELETE through
> UNION ALL. At this point UNION ALL and range-partitioning effectively
> move very close together in those DML respects.
OK, so how does the optimizer handle indexes in this UNION ALL of many tables?
> Nonetheless I see having sophisticated UNION ALL technology as important
> in the broader context, especially in the context of federated databases.
Again: so how do you optimize a UNION ALL across federated databases?
> the rides at your favorite theme park are also all free. Pitty if you
> don't use them all after paying the entrance fee.
That is how parks make moolah... :)
-- Cheers Nuno Souto on Wed Jun 23 2004 - 10:54:43 CDT