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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Cursor problem
I am trying to compile the following code, but get the following error (see below):
Here is the query:
v_freight1 VARCHAR2(20); v_freight2 VARCHAR2(20); v_freight3 VARCHAR2(20); v_freight4 VARCHAR2(20); v_freight5 VARCHAR2(20); v_freight6 VARCHAR2(20); v_bol VARCHAR2(20);
v_carrier VARCHAR2(10); c_flag CHAR(1); d_rate NUMBER(18,4); v_uom VARCHAR2(10); i_agn NUMBER; v_io CHAR(1); i_group_nbr NUMBER;
CURSOR curs_group IS
SELECT DISTINCT qe.bill_of_lading,
qe.bill_of_lading_date, qe.freight_carrier_id, qe.rate_per_ticket_flag, qe.freight_charge_rate, qe.freight_charge_uom_code, fs.freight1, fs.freight2, fs.freight3, fs.freight4, fs.freight5, fs.freight6, qe.scale_ticket_inbound_outbound, qea.group_nbr FROM s1_quantity_entry qe, s1_quantity_entry_accrual qea, (SELECT qe.quantity_entry_nbr, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 1 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight1, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 2 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight2, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 3 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight3, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 4 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight4, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 5 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight5, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 6 AND s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal.quantity_entry_nbr = s1_quantity_entry.quantity_entry_nbr),'-1') AS freight6 FROM s1_quantity_entry WHERE qe.quantity_entry_source = 'IE') AS fs
WHERE qe.quantity_entry_source = 'IE' AND qe.quantity_entry_nbr = fs.quantity_entry_nbr AND qe.bill_of_lading IS NOT NULL AND qe.freight_carrier_id IS NOT NULL AND qe.quantity_entry_nbr = qea.quantity_entry_nbr(+) AND ((qe.freight_charge_rate IS NOT NULL) OR
(fs.freight1 <> '-1') OR
(fs.freight2 <> '-1') OR
(fs.freight3 <> '-1') OR
(fs.freight4 <> '-1') OR
(fs.freight5 <> '-1') OR
(fs.freight6 <> '-1') OR
qea.group_nbr IS NOT NULL )
FETCH curs_group INTO v_bol,
dt_bol_date, v_carrier, c_flag, d_rate, v_uom, v_freight1, v_freight2, v_freight3, v_freight4, v_freight5, v_freight6, v_io, i_group_nbr;
SELECT accrual_group_nbr + 1 INTO i_agn FROM s1_max_key; UPDATE s1_max_key SET accrual_group_nbr = i_agn; UPDATE s1_quantity_entry SET freight_group_nbr = i_agn WHERE quantity_entry_nbr IN (SELECT qe.quantity_entry_nbr FROM s1_quantity_entry qe, (SELECT qe.quantity_entry_nbr, NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 1 AND
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 2 AND
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 3 AND
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 4 AND
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 5 AND
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag FROM s1_quantity_entry_freight_seal WHERE sort_order = 6 AND
FROM s1_quantity_entry qe WHERE qe.quantity_entry_source = 'IE' ) AS fs WHERE qe.quantity_entry_nbr = fs.quantity_entry_nbr AND qe.quantity_entry_source = 'IE' AND qe.bill_of_lading IS NOT NULL AND qe.freight_carrier_id IS NOT NULL AND ((i_group_nbr IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM s1_quantity_entry_accrual WHERE s1_quantity_entry_accrual.quantity_entry_nbr = qe.quantity_entry_nbr ) ) OR (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM s1_quantity_entry_accrual WHERE s1_quantity_entry_accrual.quantity_entry_nbr = qe.quantity_entry_nbr AND s1_quantity_entry_accrual.group_nbr = i_group_nbr ) ) ) AND ((qe.freight_charge_rate IS NOT NULL) OR (fs.freight1 <> '-1') OR (fs.freight2 <> '-1') OR (fs.freight3 <> '-1') OR (fs.freight4 <> '-1') OR (fs.freight5 <> '-1') OR (fs.freight6 <> '-1') OR i_group_nbr IS NOT NULL ) AND qe.bill_of_lading = v_bol AND qe.freight_carrier_id = v_carrier AND (dt_bol_date IS NULL OR qe.bill_of_lading_date = dt_bol_date) AND qe.rate_per_ticket_flag = c_flag AND (d_rate IS NULL OR qe.freight_charge_rate = d_rate) AND (v_uom IS NULL OR qe.freight_charge_uom_code = v_uom) AND (v_freight1 = '-1' OR fs.freight1 = v_freight1) AND (v_freight2 = '-1' OR fs.freight2 = v_freight2) AND (v_freight3 = '-1' OR fs.freight3 = v_freight3) AND (v_freight4 = '-1' OR fs.freight4 = v_freight4) AND (v_freight5 = '-1' OR fs.freight5 = v_freight5) AND (v_freight6 = '-1' OR fs.freight6 = v_freight6) AND (qe.scale_ticket_inbound_outbound = v_io) );
END LOOP; CLOSE curs_group;
Here is the error:
NVL((SELECT freight_seal_tag *
ORA-06550: line 36, column 18: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:
If I am reading the above error correctly, it seems to object to the inline view in the cursor.
Any suggestions??
Murray Sobol
dbcSMARTsoftware inc.
Received on Fri Jun 18 2004 - 10:14:02 CDT
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