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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
Just got an alert from my db that had me need to restart it - Looking in the trc files i notice that i had a
ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
In my pfile that i used to create my spfile at db creation i don't actually set the session limit. I set the max number of processes but nothing to do with the sessions.
I can see that the maximum sessions is showing as 555 from a show parameter query but is it possible to increase that without bouncing the database? I presume i can just put a sessions=value into my pfile and create a new spfile from that and restart the datbase if it not possible to do it dynamically?
thanks Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 04:26:11 CDT