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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: oracle 8i in a Pentium IV
Sometimes renaming
C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\<version#>\bin\symcjit.dll
to another name does the trick. It effectively disables the Java
Just-In-Time compiler (which is the cause of the problem) The patch you
mentioned is actually another version of the OUI (Oracle Universal
Installer), which you can use to install 8i. You can also use the 9i
installer to install 8i.
Look for patch 1507768 on There is a note containing workarounds as well - Note ID 131299.1.
Good Luck
juan wrote:
> i am spanish, please my english is not very good.
> i read that is not posible install oracle 8i in a pentium IV because a
> few libraries of java are not compatible.
> i read that there is a patch, and i read that is posible install
> changing the name a few files.
> what are there those files that i must change the name???
> or
> where can i download the patch to can install in a pentium IV.
> thank you.
Received on Wed Jun 09 2004 - 10:50:30 CDT