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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: FATAL ERROR IN TWO-TASK SERVER: error = 12571 (Arijit Chatterjee) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi,
> Yesterday I faced a problem when I inserting data through VB6
> interface.
> But It was hanging at the time of inserting data in database.But the
> same insert query when I run through SQL* it is working
> perfectly.After that I shutdown and restart my database instance.After
> that from application end it is working fine.Today I check the
> udump.There the .TRC file is telling..I am giving the details
> below.What can be the problem.It is not a deadlock.Then what type of
> error.Please explain me.
> Regards
Ora-12571 is a network timeout. You didn't look up the error at all, did you?
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Wed Jun 30 2004 - 05:52:57 CDT