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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-6550 PLS-707 parameter 2603 - internal error or unsupported structure - solved
Yong asked:
"Are the SQLs really just "insert into datatable values (..." or bulk
insert in Oracle's sense? Is datatable just a local regular table?
What is "insert buffer is 32K"? You get the error at runtime not
compile time, correct? You're running an anonymous block, not
compiling a stored program unit?"
It's really just insert into ...., and I stop when I see my insert buffer
reached 32K.
Basically I have a string of size 32 k, and I add inserts into it until it's
full, and
then I send it over to Oracle.
But I found my problem, and I fixed it!
One of the columns in the table is a varchar2(512) and I load binary info
into it.
By doing "insert into db values(chr(127)||chr....||chr(65),col2,col3);
This works fine in 99% of cases, but it seems that this version of Oracle
does not like too many chr's in a row.
I had to adapt my code to send less chr's in one insert statement.
If a string contains "abcde" - I leave it alone.
If the string contain "mze<13,10>abcd<27,0,1,2>" I translate it to
"mze"||chr(13)||chr(10)||"abcd"||chr(27)||chr(0)||chr(1)||chr(2) - and then
send it over....
This worked fine, until I hit a snag where there is a lot of zeroes or
nulls at back of string.
send chr(0)||chr(0)||.....times 20...chr(0)||chr(0) produce the error
immediately, so I had to
devise another way to handle lots of nulls in a string.
SO Bottom line - be carefull of lot's of CHR concatenations in a insert statement.
ps. select dump(col1,1,2) from fingers; gives me Typ=1 Len=113: 0,0,0,35,0,46,54,125,.....
Are the any way I can insert stuff in the same method?
"Yong Huang" <> wrote in message
> "Wanda Zoe" <> wrote in message
> > Hi there..
> >
> > I've been doing "bulk insert" into an oracle db for a few years, and
today I
> > hit an error that's got me stumped...
> >
> > My test environment is unix/solaris/oracle 9i, running app from Windows
> > and XP
> > All work fine on it of course!!
> >
> > New database was created with 8.1.7 on Solaris, and when my
> > app do bulk insert on it, I get error :
> > ORA-6550 PLS-707 internal error or unsupported structure [2603]
> > My insert buffer is 32K. I load it with a begin clause, lots of inserts,
> > an end at the back, before I submit it.
> > ie:
> > begin
> > insert into datatable values(1,2,3,4);
> > insert into datatable values(2,3,4,5);
> > ....
> > end
> >
> >
> >
> > Currently the app work if the buffer has about 10 inserts in, but if I
> > it
> > grow bigger, this pesky error pops up.
> > I would like to get back to using the full 32K buffer.
> >
> > A search on metalink and google did not really help.
> > oerr ora 6550 is not of much help either - except saying :
> > "$ oerr ora 6550
> > 06550, 00000, "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
> > // *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
> > // *Action:"
> > (ps - the oracle message complain about line zero, column zero which is
> > of much help :-)
> >
> > I have a feelling the buffer get chopped of? But where do I see what the
> > buffer size is, and how do I change it?
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > Thanks, Wanda
> > Hi Wanda, > > Are the SQLs really just "insert into datatable values (..." or bulk > insert in Oracle's sense? Is datatable just a local regular table? > What is "insert buffer is 32K"? You get the error at runtime not > compile time, correct? You're running an anonymous block, not > compiling a stored program unit? > > You can find error description for PLS-707 in documentation, which > says > > ------- quote ------- > Cause: At run time, this is an internal error. At compile time, it > indicates one of the following problems: > > A call was made to a remote subprogram that has a parameter type or > default expression not supported at the calling site. > > An incomplete upgrade or downgrade was done to a database that has > stored procedures. Perhaps incorrect versions of system packages such > as STANDARD.SQL were installed. > > A compiler bug was encountered. In such cases, legal PL/SQL syntax > will fail to compile. > ... > ------- quote ------- > > Yong HuangReceived on Tue Jun 29 2004 - 06:14:28 CDT
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