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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Benefits of RMAN
I dunno about you but I'd rather not brute-force it keeping track of
all those datafiles, archives, backups, etc. everytime I perform this
routine (or the more "exciting" restore scenario).
That, plus a lot other reasons in Chapter 1 of the RMAN Guide. (DB2 Convert) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi,
> Really, if my database isn't big enough to deploy incremental backup, I don't
> see the advantages of RMAN over the conventional ALTER TABLESPACE ... BACKUP BEGIN.
> Advantages of RMAN are:
> 1. Incremental where only modified data blocks will be copied
> 2. Integrity check for the data block in case they are corrupted
> 3. Can do parallelism instead of sequential
> 4. ???
> What else?
> Anyone can list down more advantages of RMAN will really be appreciated.
> Thanks
> DB2 Convert
Received on Sat Jun 26 2004 - 10:34:08 CDT