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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: tough choices
Ian <> wrote in message news:<40d723c6$>...
> Noons wrote:
> > Is this DPF thing one of those famous separately priced options?
> You mean like every Oracle option? According to the Oracle E-Business
> Global Price List (
Aha, well - the point is that Oracle costs have dropped *significantly* in the last four years, while DB2 hasn't.
For example, in the system that Daniel Morgan mentioned would cost around $80k/ CPU with oracle. That would include
enterprise edition $40k + partitioning $10k + RAC $20k + advanced security $10k ------- $80k / CPU
I mentioned before that DB2 workgroup server would do that job at about $7.5k/CPU, or about 10% of the oracle cost. Now that isn't entirely fair, since there are ways to bump up that cost - even as high as $35k if you put everything in. That's still less than 50% of the cost of oracle (and oracle could also bump up its price with that long list of add-ons). So, DB2 is sounding really inexpensive here - certainly not way more expensive as Daniel asserted.
However, keep in mind that this is a huge drop in price for oracle. Imagine if it still used its power-unit licensing cost - and you were going to use four 3 ghz CPUs. That would cost about $300k / CPU - or about $1.2m for to fully license the quad. Based upon this - oracle has dropped its price around 75% in four years!
Now, I'm not sure how DB2 UDB was licensed in 2000 - but I think it was actually less than it is now. So, at the same time oracle has dropped its price 75% db2 has raised its price 10% I believe (please correct me on the older db2 prices).
So back to my original question - any one have tips on using competitive pricing to drive oracle down to more competitive pricing? Received on Mon Jun 21 2004 - 16:59:41 CDT
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