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c.d.o.server: by subject
- 9i on Windows 2000 Server Workgroup
- Access to Oracle database 8.1.7 via ODBC
- After Creating New Dtabase...
- Analytics function query on
- Beginner: Silent install. on HACMP cluster
- Cannot "startup nomount" an idle instance (8i)
- CCIE's are a joke
- Chuck and Tom's gay porno flash movie is hot
- Chuck Lysaght's theme song
- fast_start_mttr_target value is ignored
- Getting well-formed XML using SQL
- Great flash files of Sydney Moon
- HELP!! - ORA-01555: snapshot too old: Rollback Segment number 2 ....."_SYSSMSU5$ too small"
- How to i check how often my redo logs switch??
- ignore keywords in the CONTAINS??
- Maximum number of connections
- Move database from Sun Solarias 5.8 to HPUX 11.11 pa-64
- ORA-00911 on Oracle 10g DBCA during install
- ora-1555 and minextents (8i)
- Oracle 10g Database Configuration Assistant disappears
- ORACLE_SID in client machine
- Performance Diagnosis
- Problems installing oracle 9i on Suse Linux Pro 9.1
- Setting up a new server
- simple sql optimize help/mlml
- SQL performance tuning
- The new Beastie Boys cd has a virus
- tough choices
- Weired problem when using serializable transaction in 10g
- What router should I buy
- When the DBA sequels - simple (phfilosophical?) tuning question
- Last message date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 23:49:53 CDT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 16:42:50 CDT