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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: tough choices
Serge Rielau apparently said,on my timestamp of 24/06/2004 10:43 PM:
> In a life sciences space there often isn't even any choice. The remote
> side (which may not be relational to start with) may have certain
> functions (like detetcing a gene-sequence match) which DB2 II does not
> have and which can-not or must not (IP) implemented in DB2.
> In this case a fucntion mapping is provided to model teh foreing
> function and DB2 II knows that any plan must involve pushing the foreign
> function to it's native source.
I see your point. Had a similar conversation with someone else at lunch today. We both concluded that things like Corba then later on XML, will have a role to play in getting all these impedance matching problems solved. Basically, a way is needed to automate/ standardize these "function descriptions", isn't it? So that they can be efficiently used by all dbs. Then the whole idea of a single corporate data resource can really become reality. Mind you: a LOT of work...
-- Cheers Nuno Souto on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 08:34:33 CDT