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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: SQL Server to Oracel
"Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message news:<40da7a0e$0$16107$>...
> "Oracle Newbie" <> wrote in message
> > I got a new Job where I have to handle Oracle databases on Linux. My
> > previous experience is with Sql Server on Windows NT. I want to know how
> > difficult will this shift be and what do I need to learn first and
> quickly.
> > How different is Oracle on Linux then Oracle on windows. What are the
> major
> > differences between Oracle and SQL Server. Any help, links will be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > thx
> There's really only one link to turn to at a time like this:
> Find the version you'll be dealing with, then
> click on the list of books for that version, and then find the Concepts
> guide. If you've got multiple versions, I'd suggest using the 9i links,
> rather than 10g (unless of course your organisation is actually running
> 10g). 10g is significantly different, architecturally, from any prior Oracle
> version, and a lot will mislead or confuse if you try and apply 10g
> knowledge to 9i or 8i. Whereas 9i concepts are, pretty much, applicable to
> 8i most of the time, and 8i is almost 100% applicable to 8.0.
> There is no difference between Oracle on any platform. Well, OK: Linux and
> Unix are process-based operating systems, and Windows is a thread-based one,
> so whereas you can actually *see* PMON, SMON, DBWn and the rest on a *nix
> platform, you can't see the equivalent threads on Windows. But they're still
> there alright, and still do the same jobs as their equivalent processes on
> *nix. The only other major difference I can think of is that *nix does
> shared memory allocations for the SGA via kernel parameters, and Windows
> does it via the creation (and running, obviously) of a service for each
> SGA/Instance. But that's minor stuff. 99% of what's in the concepts guide
> will apply to both platforms without change.
> There is no answer to the question 'what are the major differences between
> Oracle and SQL Server'. Their very terminology is different (Oracle schema =
> SQL Server database, for example). You might as well ask how different a
> peach is from the Eiffel Tower. Both are rather beautiful, serve their
> purposes well, and have little fundamentally in common except that they are
> both made of atoms. Try not to compare the two products; just learn each on
> their own terms. That means, for you, learning Oracle on its terms. You will
> probably always be "infected" by a tendency to see things from a SQL Server
> perspective, just as I look at SQL Server and scream in horror that it's not
> Oracle. That's just inevitable. What separates the DBAs from the geeky
> bigots is to be able to embrace those differences and accept them, rather
> than see them as a reason to despise one or other product.
> Other useful links: and (though I'm biased)
> It would help to learn how to spell the product you'll now be working with,
> too.
> Regards
Wow! get a newbie who cannot spell Oracle! Now I bet 1000 to 1 that it
is you HJR that cooked the newbie message and your bias is apparent
with your dizwell shit.
OMLET right on your ass
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Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 15:45:20 CDT
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