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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 9i New Features E-book
"Mike Ault" <> wrote in message
> "Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message
> Howard,
> If conceding the point and declaring the thread closed is being bad,
> then yes, I guess I qualify. I prefer not to flog a dead horse and get
> on with other topics myself.
> I thought that I had followed method, I had a theory, you had a
> theory, I defended mine until I could experiment and determine which
> held more validity and when yours proved more viable, I conceded the
> point and, did so publicly. Again, if this qualifies me as bad, well
> so be it.
> I personally find it offensive when someone is not gracious in winning
> a point but must push the other persons face into it repeatidly, not
> quite cricket as the English would say.
> Mike Ault
Helllooooooo??? Anyone at home??????????? Still there Mike????
I replied to this post of yours. I said my point was: you never reply to me.
You're kind of making my point for me, don't you think?
HJR Received on Tue Jun 08 2004 - 16:25:42 CDT