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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> strange view performance....
I'm working with an Oracle 8.0.6 server (we are going to migrate to a 9.2
version) and i found something very strange. I defined a view composed of 3
UNION ALL, every union all has 3-4 tables in joins. I known that oracle
discourages the usage of complex view but i tried, the whole view
performance looks good, a simple query like this:
selec count(*) from myView
takes only 3 seconds to execute on 50.000 records, moreover the execution
plan looks good (only index access on tables no full scan....).
The very firste development was also having good performances, so i decided
to exetend the usage of such view to others applications and i found a
strange thing. In the new applications i defined a cursor like this:
cursor myCur is
select v.* from myView v where v.FieldName like 'NNN%N\_NN' escape '\'
if i execute such query into an sql session, the only one record is found in
about 5 seconds, but into an pl/sql package, the open of the cursor takes
about 8 minutes !!!!!!!!!!
I solved the problen in this way:
cursor myCursor is
select v.* from myView v
open myCursor
fetch myCursor into xxx
if xxx.fieldName like 'NNN%N\_NN' escape '\' then
The performance now looks good, about 5 seconds to execute.
I'm trying to understand why the first cursor has suc poor performance....someone can help me????
thanks a lot
Received on Tue Jun 15 2004 - 12:14:06 CDT