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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Java permissions
Jeremy wrote:
> On Oracle 8i, by default, java permissions can only be granted by SYS it
> seems - what prviliege or role wouldi have to grant to a user to enable
> that user to be able to grant java permissions?
> If it makes any difference, the specific grants I wish to be able to
> make from the non-SYS user is
> and I want the user to be able to grant this permission to itself.
> Is this doable?
> cheers
>I want the user to be able to grant this permission to itself
This statement make little to no sense.
"permissions" are granted by the schema (owner) on objects they own to either ROLES or other schemas.
GRANT EXECUTE ON TO <SCHEMA_NAME OR ROLE>; Received on Sat Jun 12 2004 - 09:39:05 CDT