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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 9i New Features E-book (NetComrade) wrote in message news:<40c4a7c8.2982638_at_localhost>...
> This is one of the best 'exchanges of opinions' I've read in years in
> newsgroups.
> Thank you all for making it an entertaining afternoon.
> -Andrey
Yeah, "one of the world's best Oracle educators, with 15 years' experience of training information technology in general" vs "one of the world's leading Oracle consultants and authors". Go boys! You really should meet in person and either kick each other's a$$es or have a drink.
Sad really. I think this particular thread starting from message 4 was absolutely unnecessary.
Have a good day,
Received on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 23:58:54 CDT