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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Two questions for Oracle
"DB2 Convert" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have two questions about Oracle.
> 1. Waht will actually happen when one location of the logs
> (multiplexing) are down? will Oracle just ignore it?
Are you talking about the online redo logs, or the archived ones. The term 'multiplexing' really only gets used in relation to the online ones, and if that is what you are referring to, the answer is: Oracle will ignore it. If you're talking about one of many archiving destinations, whether Oracle ignores it or not comes down to how you configure the archive destination (mandatory or optional, or what you set min_succeed_dest to, which amounts to the same sort of thing).
> 2.Is there a way yet to turn on the archive log mode without shutting
> down the database?
Nope. And if you think about it, it would be meaningless to be able to do so. You can't recover a database past a gap in the archive sequence, ever. If you could switch on archiving withoug closing the database (minor point, but we open and close databases; we start and stop/shut down instances), there would be the mother of all archive sequence gaps until your next backup was taken. Meaning you'd be unable to recover using your previous backups; meaning that your database would have no protection at all from failure; but also meaning that you'd be sitting there *thinking* you were safe.
> Thanks
> DB2 Convert
Received on Tue Jun 22 2004 - 14:28:45 CDT
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