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Re: Oracle application server, which platform

From: Frank van Bortel <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 17:46:53 +0200
Message-ID: <can5co$ncg$>

Janos Makadi wrote:
> Frank van Bortel wrote:

>> Yes.
>> What's the question?

> OK, maybe it was a little bit silly question.
> We manage two database servers, and the new AS has to serve to both.
> Because one of our servers is 9i, now we use this as a web server too.
> We have a lot pl/sql applications for the web communication. Approx. we
> have 200 users, from the web side, and other 50 whom comes direct to the
> RDBMS. We started writing Java Servlet applications in TOMCAT, and if
> the AS comes we have to port this to oracle. Later we would like to
> learn to use and manage PORTAL.
> So, my question is does anyone has experiences to manage AS, on SuSE
> SLES, or REDHAT AS, and do this kind of tasks what we would like to do.
> Any kind of experiences would be great.
> Janos Makadi

Currently involved in aproject with Tomcat, and pl/sql (some 4000 (!) functions, proceures and packages). Development is done on Fedora Core 1, as well as Windows. Tomcat runs fine in both environments; Bea as sidekick on the Linux boxes (some customers prefer Bea, some Tomcat...) The dev box is just a relatively small office type PC (2GB memory, though), running up to 4 instances without swapping. Kicking in the fifth results in some swapping.

Have been doing/demonstrating e-Business suite on a RHAS 2.1 box (all in 1 box: db, as mgmnt layer): works like a charm. No personal experience with SuSE/Oracle. Like(d) the SuSE oracle support pages very much, though. SuSE was the first to certify when 9i came out - they seem to be keen on supporting Oracle.

A personal note: I cannot and do not regard MS Windows a production server platform : I do not want all the overhead of a GUI, neither reboots due to security updates. Reboots!


Frank van Bortel
Received on Tue Jun 15 2004 - 10:46:53 CDT

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