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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: database market share 2003
> Actually, a surprising number of companies have purchased Oracle for OS/390.
> Oracle gave me 5 references in the Fortune top 25 companies in the US. I
> checked all 5 out, and all 5 purchased it, but not one was using it for a
> production system.
Oracle for OS/390 was more widely used 5-10 years ago when we saw a lot of migration of applications from mainframes to open system platforms - typically deployed as an aid to migration supporting parallel testing/development etc. They tended to get "switched off" once the migration was complete.
Some OS/390 customers also used Oracle on the mainframe as an "in memory" gateway to their DB2 data for their downstream systems etc. In some situations the performance of Oracle (Unix) <-> Oracle (OS/390) <-> TG4DB2 (OS/390) <-> DB2 could be better configured than Oracle (Unix) <-> TG4DB2 (OS/390) <-> DB2 (OS/390) (better control of the join shipping, for one).
So it's entirely possible that companies have simply stopped using Oracle OS/390, or only use it as an aid to striping data from the MF environment. Let me know who the references were and I'll make sure we stop giving them out. Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 00:38:44 CDT