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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: OMLETv4 The Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool (omlet v4) wrote in message news:<>...
> (David Fitzjarrell) wrote in message news:<>...
> > "Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message news:<40cb736b$0$14389$>...
> > > "omlet v4" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >
> > > > > So, on the evidence in front of me, I take it your comment about
> references
> > > > > in my book was just the mindless dribbling of someone whose opinion of
> > > > > themselves is a good deal higher than most others'.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > <quote>
> > > > "
> > > > March 2004
> > > > If you're a regular visitor to this website....).
> > > >
> > > > You'll notice a lot of ...... (at or ask us direct at
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > The days of ...... bandwith.
> > > > "
> > > > <end of quote>
> > > >
> > > > So, on the evidence in front of me, I take it your comment about OMLET
> > > > was just the mindless dribbling of someone who cannot spell; whose
> > > > opinions of Oracle gurus and developers are .... while in fact they
> > > > should go back to 1st grade.
> > >
> > > You started off this entire thread with a bit of silly spamming. You have
> > > now "progressed", if that's the word, to total incoherence. None of what
> > > you've just posted here makes the least bit of sense. Unless it is a rather
> > > cryptic way of continuing to bang on about one typo made with the word
> > > 'bandwidth'.
> > >
> > > Is that as deep and meaningful as your criticism gets? Tell you what... why
> > > don't you use a dictionary, learn how to spell floccinausinihilipilification
> > > correctly, and then try understanding why it is a perfect description of
> > > what most people here have done with your Omlet.
> > >
> > > Pillock.
> > > HJR
> >
> > I agree entirely.
> > I read your posts and laugh,
> I am glad you have time to laugh after being FIRED from AMR for
> mishandling the US Airways migration.
I cannot understand where you dug up this 'nugget' of misinformation. I was never fired from AMR for any reason, and I was never part of the US Airways migration. My responsibilities were for the successful completion of an Oracle-based application for engine parts tracking, and was in 1994-1995.
> >mostly due to the arrogance of them. Your over-> inflated ego,
> Check yours, after WSJ article in 1999 about you and your team.
In 1999 I was not working for AMR in any capacity, so this 'team' you mention must belong to someone ELSE.
> > along with your elevated sense of self-importance,
> Yes. I did not get a reward like you for .....
Again, you state garbage having nothing to do with any relevant facts.
> >are cause
> > for concern with regard to your software.
> OMLET found timeouts on control files for those instances that you
> stuffed fifteen of them on the same server.
You are truly confused, as I had nothing to do with such lunacy. Had I any part of that project it would NOT have failed, nor would there have been 15 instances on one server.
> > And your language; any
> > professional would not be caught DEAD calling another a '...',
> > ESPECIALLY in print, which only proves to me you're in the same boat as
> > another 'guru' who also passes off misinformation as fact and decides to sue > or threaten those who call him on it (I'll not mention any names).
> Anyone who manages to stuff 16 H1B DBA's in 2x2 room in a basement
> deserves the boots! and ...................
I have never stuffed '16 H1B DBA's in 2x2 room in a basement'. Nor would I ever do such a thing. This only proves your mind is truly leaving the realm of reality...
> > You haven't used a reference since 1996 and yet you presume to inform
> > us of your endless expertise and insight into the internal workings of
> > Oracle.
> no comment! go to school and learn how to use the internet.
Oh, I can use the internet, and I know how to reference material that I use from such searches. Apparently you're not as aware as you would like to think.
> > Most of your posts at Metalink included your shameless spamming,
> One of those is to solve your problems: search for sabre timeout
> controlfiles for the story.
Again, you attribute something to me I had no participation in whatsoever. Apparently your internet accumen is not what you believe it to be.
> > not something one is apt to receive willingly in a support setting.
> Yes the DBA filing a TAR was actually filing one meter only from my
> desk.
> > Also,
> > not one post indicated you EVER worked for Oracle, nor had ANY 'access'.
> Check with Oracle HR.
I may just do that. I hope you won't argue the facts I find when I do.
> > The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and, apparently, spam using > geocities as a launching
> Yes! You and our team stuffed 15 instances on one server; they all
> crashed; US Airways could not find their planes! US Airways stock
> crashed! Contra Fund dumped their 85% US Airways share! Contra Fund
> shut down dumping Nasdaq shares! Nasdaq took a dive! America took a
> dive!
You insist on repeating this tripe that has nothing to do with me. If you cannot find ANY relevant material to my career you had best stop making erroneous comments.
> And you only got FIRED! The guy who fired you GOT fired! and the rest
> of the group GOT sold!
As I stated before, I was NEVER fired from AMR for any reason, and was nowhere near ANY AMR facility in ANY form of employment in 1999, when this debacle occured. Get your facts straight BEFORE you shoot off that lame mouth of yours again.
> good management: smooth migration is what Wall Street Journal wrote. I
> bet you cashed your stocks that day! Huh!
> > pad. Leading unsuspecting junior DBAs to your less than worthy efforts is a > sin, most assuredly. The greater sin, though, is to maintain your supposed > superiority with respect to Oracle when, in fact, you haven't the
> > wherewithall to actually tune a Tonka truck.
> I actually can tune a Tonka truck!
That is truly amazing, since Tonka trucks do not need to be tuned ...
> > I strongly suggest you get a grip, then get a clue.
> I strongly suggest you get clue, the get a grip.
I have both, and you, obviously, have neither, since you cannot see fit to say anything truthful with regard to my career.
> > Then go about your
> > software design again, this time with reliable and current tuning
> > strategies, and a much less arrogant marketing strategy. You may find a
> > more receptive audience.
> Did they teach this before using TRAX or after!
I have never used TRAX. Is this something else you wrote?
> > Oh, and an omelette is simply a solution to the problem of what to do with
> > several broken eggs (hopefully those that haven't hit the floor). It is
> > not now, nor ever was, a viable name for a software product, especially one > touted as a tuning wizard for Oracle databases (and, yes, I KNOW it's
> > spelled OMLET, although that doesn't make it any
> > better of a name).
> Amazing, you actually know the difference. I always suspected you are
> a good manager.!.
I don't believe you could suspect anyone of anything since you cannot speak the truth. Do you enjoy making up lies about people and then publicly posting them?
> > Unless, of course, you're planning on making an omelette out of the Oracle
> > instances you tune with your product...
> I am following your lead. Oddyssy is still ticking! I inherited your
> job and fixed what I could.
You inherited nothing of my work. Nothing at all. Please discontinue this preposterous line of garbage and vile lying immediately.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Tue Jun 22 2004 - 19:02:02 CDT