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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Oracle Forms Builder Language 10g
I did install Oracle Developer Suite ORA10gDS on XP.
I have a problem, all my tools like Oracle Forms Builder are in
How can I cange the language of the tool to be in english.
Also, When I run my application it is good but when I open a simple fmb in forms builder and I run it from there then I can not run it and receive the message java.lang.class... not found.
The third problem is that the help online in forms builder does work,
and I look at the metalink at the solution does not work, anybody had
this problem ?
I receive FRM-18105.
Maybe it is all related to the language of forms builder..!?
Any Idea..
Received on Fri Jun 11 2004 - 08:21:26 CDT