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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: How about an Oracle debate?
"Noons" <> wrote in message
Don Burleson allegedly said,on my timestamp of 7/06/2004 11:29 PM:
NL> how appropriate
didn't you read my reply about leaving me out of your little wars? I don't like being "bunched up" with Oakies. Like I said: those organisations are not my cuppa tea even if I qualified for them.
NL> I suspect that this marks the first time the word organisation has been used in respect of the OakTable Network. I personally hope its the last.
Remember: it's ALWAYS open to challenge, no matter who claims it.
NL> Of course an attitude like that is a prerequisite for Oak table membership :).
Having said that: I'm quite open to any debate here where statements can be re-verified, x-checked and openly discussed and proved for as long as needed. Or any other on-line forum, in written format. However it will have to wait until I'm done with the current project, EOM July. I'm afraid that HAS priority over ANYTHING else and I'm quite busy until then.
One condition though: whatever the outcome if you ever come to Australia you are most welcome to front up for a drink and a chat. Like I said so many times, nothing personal. We have never even met.
NL> Nicely said.
-- Cheers Nuno Souto on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 16:14:30 CDT